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a funny dialogue

by last person on earth 2024. 10. 14.




Please keep him in your prayers.  He has had a mild heart attack and is in the hospital. 



In Jesus' Holy Name,





You Gin,

We have read a poem during the night by Rudyard Kipling.

What do you like about it?

God says.

God, it speaks of truth, Lord.

There are things to ponder and think about, Lord.

You gin replies.


When all the world would keep a matter hid,
Since Truth is seldom Friend to any crowd,
Men write in Fable, as old AEsop did,
Jesting at that which none will name aloud.
And this they needs must do, or it will fall
Unless they please they are not heard at all.

When desperate Folly daily laboureth
To work confusion upon all we have,
When diligent Sloth demandeth Freedom's death,
And banded Fear commandeth Honour's grave--
Even in that certain hour before the fall,
Unless men please they are not heard at all.

Needs must all please, yet some not all for need,
Needs must all toil, yet some not all for gain,
But that men taking pleasure may take heed
Whom present toil shall snatch from later pain.
Thus some have toiled, but their reward was small
Since, though they pleased, they were not heard at all.

This was the lock that lay upon our lips,
This was the yoke that we have undergone,
Denying us all pleasant fellowships
As in our time and generation.
Our pleasures unpursued age past recall,
And for our pains--we are not heard at all.

What man hears aught except the groaning guns?
What man heeds aught save what each instant brings?
When each man's life all imaged life outruns,
What man shall pleasure in imaginings?
So it hath fallen, as it was bound to fall,
We are not, nor we were not, heard at all.

Rudyard Kipling



You gin.

What do you like about this author?

Says Jesus.

He captures truths that is hard to put down to words and manifests it.

I like his poem IF very much, Lord.

You gin says.

We are not, nor we were not, heard at all.

Child of literacy and lit. were we not present in the midst of woes of the people….?

But didn’t we say naught?

Child, speak.

Says God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

You must have been present, Lord.

You gin said.

Child, what makes you certain?

Says devil and God and Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Because He is God.

Says yougin.

Child, says the devil. Why do you talk to me?

Because you are God.

Says you gin.

Child, you make a big mistake. Say the devil, by putting me forth like a test.

I will make you pay for this.

God. I thought you hadn’t heard and that it was my vain thoughts but you heard me when I prayed to you, teach me literature.

Look now what is happening.

You Gin says.

Child. Do you no hear the devil?

God speaks.

God, I hear him. But I shall do so again.

You gin says.

Child. You see much. Says God.

I read the poem again, Lord. It is much clearer to me now.

Yes, Lord, you are oft silent and that causes agony because you don’t hear as well as the agony that goes unheard, Lord.

Says You gin.

Child. I sought to hear you talk soft and strong. Now you do.

God speaks.

I am drinking coffee, Lord with many a tiny scoop as you have ordained, Lord.

You would scoop and scoop with little amounts then you filled it with cold water, had me stir it then you poured some hot water into it. And now I am drinking it.

You Gin says.

Child, you wish to speak more.

God speaks.

Lord, will you speak to us now?

Or is it that your voice was untold by many and we just haven’t heard.

You Gin speaks.

Now you are warming up more water, God.

You Gin says.

The water is not a little more than lukewarm, Lord.

You Gin says.

This is my favorite part. You Gin-a.

And for our pains--we are not heard at all.

God says and snickers mutely and smiles benevolently.

Yes, God. You are not heard at all.

You Gin says.

We are sorry, God! We are deaf to your reality. We are blind to your actual presence.

But Lord, you are so very not visible!

You Gin cries.

God I will really mean it. But God, we were in agony and you don’t ever do anything about it. We want immediate relief, Lord.

Like now.

I pray in the name of Jesus, amen.

You Gin prays.


You mock me.

Jesus says.

Jesus, we are impatient. We want a thousand years to be one day !

Lord. I am impatient. When I was stretched out on the bed doing the voices…. There was no answer and I was so despondent. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know whether this whole thing was from you or not and I had no way of knowing!!!

You Gin cries.

Child, won’t you sip your coffee? Invites Jesus.

Lord, I did hold it in my hand. You Gin says.

Child, I am dead serious, child. That is my favorite line.

God says still benevolent and snickering.

Is that when we grow, Lord?

You gin desperately asks.

Child, you mock me.

God now says, frowning austerely but with a hint of a beautiful smile….

You care for those who don’t trust you, too, don’t you, God?

But God, there are so many horrific incidences!!!

You Gin speaks.

Child, you mock me still.

God resumes a horrific mode of austerity and fails to smile benevolently but continues to smile a little pathetically and tells his Spirits to shush for they start to snicker and smile.

But God, don’t you find those incidences horrible? Imagine what they go through !!!

You Gin exclaims.

Child. God starts laughing. Child. Mock me no longer. I am very well aware of the agony and pain humans that I created go through. I sometimes give them myself!

They need it sometimes and sometimes they needlessly get it. But it is the world they are living in. they cannot seek to escape it!

Child. You monstrocize pain too great. Sometimes it is very bearable. Says the devil.

God, are you sure it is not you saying this.

You gin asks.

No, child. Jesus answers.

God, is that why you have heaven? So it could be made up for? But not everyone such as myself had excruciating pains.

You Gin says.

Child. Seek you not wealth of heaven?

God says.

Not many people do, God.

You gin says. Now that I see it, God.

Child, you speak rightly. Jesus, criying chastises the world.

God in fury spokes out at the elms of heaven crying damn damn the people especially those who die in my name and live so ashamedly world cries God.

People ought to love being righted and getting to be better and fixed, Lord. You do it so well and you ….

You Gin trails off.

Child, why do you fall silent?

Jesus says.

I don’t want to be bragging, Lord and I am afraid I won’t be able to be responsible for any further positive statements because I might end up hating it myself.

Says you gin.

Child, God laughs and smiles like Himself. Child, that is all that I want to give the world. TO be themselves as I have made them.

God, it sure takes some drastic measures.

You gin states.

Child, this is great! Ron speaks softly but we want to hear God’s views on this. Shh.

God needs privacy, Dr. Emerick. I will cover Him up some.

You Gin says.

Okay. I will shush….

You gin continues.

Ron, do you want to say anything? God speaks to Ron.

No, God.

Ron preaches not, Ron says.


You Gin says inadvertently.

I will ask, God. Why is the world so messed up. Why couldn’t they have been made the way God wanted it from the beginning?

Ron asks.

Child, be benevolent. You gin has an issue with spirits manifesting. Shut up, You Gin. Says the professors.

God says. But that will be revealed way later, child. To Ron: I cannot say, son. You Gin is happy.

Ron says God it is not fun for us, God.

You Gin shush. Says Young.

